Covid Court Procedures
Posted: June 15, 2020 at 01:15 PM
Shiloh Municipal Court
If you have already paid your citation your appearance is not mandatory, therefore you do not need to come to court. If you want a trial, it is your right to appear in court and that is why you are receiving this notice. For many traffic violations, appearance is not required. If you are not sure whether you must appear in court, please contact the clerk’s office: 706.846.3814.
In response to the threat posed by the COVIC-19 virus, Shiloh Municipal Court had implemented changes to court hearing procedures. Please be advised of the following:
· When you arrive for your court appearance, please stay in your vehicle and call 706.846.3814 to check in. You will be asked to provide your name and a cell phone number. You will be contacted when it is your time to appear.
· Only the Defendant listed on the citation will be allowed to enter the court, with their attorney if applicable. Individuals under 18 years of age may be accompanied by one parent/guardian.
· No friends, family members, or children may enter the courtroom. If you encounter a childcare issue, please contact the clerk’s office prior to your hearing date.
· Defendants who are 60 years of age or older and are not comfortable coming to court due to increased risk may contact the clerk’s office prior to the hearing date.
· Prior to entering the building, defendants will be screened for temperatures and will be required to wear a face covering (mask or cloth) the entire time while inside of the Municipal Building. If you do not have one, it will be provided.
· Defendants who require an interpreter for court proceedings please contact the clerk’s office prior to your court date. (Los acusados que requieran un interprete, communique de inmediato al telefono 706.846.3814 para obtener mas informacion).
· All Defendants and staff must observe at least six feet of social distance at all times.
As always, we continue to have the following payment options available:
· Money order by mail (PO Box 811 Shiloh, GA 31826)
· Credit/debit card online at
Please stay safe and we look forward to serving you.
Julie. H. Holloway
Clerk of Court